
J’interviendrai à la 7ème conférence annuelle Global Financial Services Leadership Roundtable

Réunissant les dirigeants européens des grandes institutions financières, cette conférence a pour but d’aborder les problématiques de transformation nécessaires des institutions financières dans un marché incertain ainsi que les évolutions systémiques en cours.

Dans le sillage de la crise de 2008, les institutions financières ont connu des changements radicaux dans leur environnement. Compréhension des dynamiques de la régulation sectorielle, impacts réels des FinTech, analyses prospectives et modèles économiques innovants susceptibles d’inverser la tendance seront abordés lors de ce rendez-vous.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Theme: Strategic Transformation in an Uncertain World

8:00 – 8:30 a.m.: Welcome Breakfast

8:30 – 8:40 a.m.: Introductory Remarks

Sébastien Declercq, Chairman, A.T. Kearney France

8:40 – 9:25 a.m.: Resilience of Financial Institutions


  • Séverin Cabannes, Deputy CEO of Société Générale
  • Olivier Klein, CEO, BRED
  • Yves Perrier, CEO, Amundi and Deputy Managing Director, Crédit Agricole S.A.

Moderator: Nicolas Lioliakis, Financial Services Leader, A.T. Kearney Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Topic: In the wake of the 2008 global economic crisis, financial institutions have seen radical changes in their operating environment, including tougher and more dynamic regulations, historically low interest rates, and customers’ higher expectations. Are financial institutions more resilient in this new environment? Or are we creating the next systemic crisis?

9:30 – 10:15 a.m.: Retail Banks’ Transformation


  • Stefano Barrese, Head of Banca dei Territori Division, Intesa Sanpaolo
  • Marie Cheval, CEO, Boursorama
  • Michel Mathieu, CEO, LCL
  • Javier Rodriguez Soler, Head of Corporate Development & Strategy, BBVA
  • Cezary Stypułkowski, CEO and President of the Management Board, mBank

Moderator: Pedro Mateache, Chairman, A.T. Kearney Iberia

Topic: Retail banks have been hurt by sluggish revenue growth and pressure on their cost-to-income ratios. Customers are more demanding, notably so in their expectations of the customer journey and new usages. At the same time, new players such as fintechs are attacking banks in their most lucrative business segments and enforcing new rules of the game. How can traditional banks transform their business models and operations to remain competitive?

10:15 – 10:45 a.m.: Break

10:45 – 11:45 a.m.: Reshuffling Financial Service Provisioning: Frontrunner Digital Payments


  • Nicolas Huss, CEO, Visa Europe
  • Andreas Kubli, Group Managing Director, UBS Switzerland
  • Philippe Lazare, Chairman and CEO, Ingenico Group
  • Marcus W. Mosen, CEO, Concardis
  • Marco Siracusano, Head of BancoPosta, Poste Italiane

Moderator: Andreas Pratz, Partner, Financial Services, A.T. Kearney Germany

Topic: Payments are the « butter » of banking. Each of us performs around 800 payment transactions per year, so it’s no surprise that this space attracts a wealth of activities from outside the banking industry, with a third of the fintech 50 playing in the pure payments space. Payments are a hotspot of technological innovation from smart data and biometrics to mobile technologies, an additional advantage for non-bank players. Regulations are opening up this area, with banks being forced to provide access to their accounts through standards APIs and at no cost to other financial services providers. Who will shape this space? And what lessons can the wider financial services space learn from these payment disruptions?

11:50 – 12:40 p.m.: holesale Business “Plasticity”


  • Jean-Luc Allavena
  • Mathieu Chabran, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Tikehau Capital
  • François Riahi, Member of Senior Management Committee and co-head of CIB, Natixis
  • Pierre Vergnes, former CFO and Deputy CEO, Dexia

Moderator: Cyril Garbois, Partner, Financial Services, A.T. Kearney France

Topic: Poor revenue growth, mounting regulatory demands, and low interest rates have crushed industry earnings and ROEs, creating a harsh environment that calls for a radical transformation of wholesale banking’s operating model. Depending on their internal capabilities and the strategic importance of owning operations, financial institutions can engage in a variety of actions from reengineering and outsourcing to establishing strategic partnerships with banking or non-banking players.

12:45 – 13:00 p.m.: Closing Remarks

Sébastien Declercq, Chairman, A.T. Kearney France

Nicolas Lioliakis, Financial Services Leader, A.T. Kearney Europe, Middle East, and Africa

13:00 – 14:30 p.m.: Lunch

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Table ronde de macro-finance contemporaine à l’université Paris Ouest

  • Paradis fiscaux: où en sommes nous ? Avancées, écueils et enjeux
  • Taux d’intérêt négatifs : quand l’impensable devient la norme, causes, conséquences et perspectives

14h-16h : Taux d’intérêt négatifs : quand l’impensable devient la norme, causes, conséquences et perspectives

Michel Aglietta (Professeur émérite et conseiller scientifique au CEPII),Mr Visnovsky (secrétaire général adjoint de l’ACPR),
Olivier Klein (Directeur général de la BRED et professeur en économie et finance à HEC),
Marie Pierre Peillon (Directrice de la Recherche, Groupama Assets management).

La table ronde sera animée par Romaric Godin (rédacteur en chef de La Tribune).

Programme complet

A suivre, le résumé de mon intervention. 


Les Nocturnes de l’Économie 2016 : « Réinventer l’éducation pour la société de demain »

Le 23 mars 2016 se tiendra à l’Université Paris Dauphine le second opus des Nocturnes de l’Economie autour du thème « Réinventer l’éducation pour la société de demain ».

Le système éducatif est souvent critiqué et les propositions de réformes ne manquent pas, une bonne occasion de confronter les regards autour de deux tables rondes : « Comment faire une école inclusive ? » et « L’Université pour l’économie du XXIème siècle ».

La Nocturne de l'Eco